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Introduction and Historical Background


Locsin, R. C. (2005). Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice.

       Indianapolis, Indiana: Sigma Theta Tau International Press.


Locsin, R. C. (2005). Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for

       Practice (1 ed.). Nursing Knowledge International.


About Dr. Locsin


Rozzano Locsin - Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing (2021). Florida Atlantic University.

       Retrieved 7 October 2021, from


Key Concepts and Assumptions


Locsin, R., & Purnell, M. (2015). Advancing the Theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing:

       The Universal Technological Domain [Ebook] (pp. 50-55). International Journal for Human Caring.

       Retrieved 7 October 2021, from


Locsin, R. (2013). Locsin_Technological Competency Jerusalem [Ebook]. Claire Hanson. Retrieved 7 October

       2021, from


Critique and Analysis


DeJonge, K., Vancampen, N., Cambier, E., & Kelly, N. (nd). R. Locsin: ‘Technological Competency as an

       Expression of Caring’ Theory Critique. Ferris State University. Retrieved October 1, 2021, from


Locsin, R. C. (n.d). Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice. Cristine E. Lynne                 College of Nursing: Florida Atlantic University. Retrieved October 1, 2021,




Locsin, R. (2001). Advancing technology, caring, and nursing. Westport, Connecticut: Auburn House.


Locsin, R. C. (2005). Advancing technology, caring, and nursing. In Locsin, R. C. (Ed.), Technological competency

       as caring in nursing: A model for practice. Sigma Theta Tau International: Indianapolis, IN.


Purpose and Significance


Locsin, R. C. (2016). Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice. Kindle Edition 2020.


Parker, M. E., & Locsin, R. C. (2006). Technological Competency as Caring and the Practice of Knowing Persons

       as a Whole. In Nursing theories and nursing practice (2nd Ed.). F.A. Davis.


Purnell, M. (2018). ‘The Theory of Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice’ Boykin, Anne &

       Schoenhofer, Savina. Nursing Theorist and Their Work (9th Ed.).


Boykin, A. & Schoenhofer, S. O. (2013) Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice. Jones & Bartlet.


Application of Theory to Nursing Practice, Administration, Education, and Research​


Kongsuwan, W., Locsin, R. (2011) Thai nurses' experience of caring for persons with life- sustaining

       technologies in intensive care settings: A phenomenological study Intensive and Critical Care Nursing,

       27(2), 102-110


Locsin, R., Ito, H. (2018) Can humanoid nurse robots replace human nurses Journal of Nursing, 5(1),1


Locsin, R., Ito, H., Tanioka, T., Yasuhara, Y., Osaka, K., Schoenhofer, S. (2018) Humanoid Nurse Robots as

       Caring Entities: A Revolutionary Probability? International Journal of Studies in Nursing, 3(2), 146


Locsin, R. (2017) The Co-Existence of Technology and Caring in the Theory of Technological Competency as

       Caring in Nursing The journal of medical investigation 64(1.2),160-164


Locsin, R. (2017) Theory-Based Nursing Practice in the World of Anthropomorphic Intelligent Machines

       Shikoku Medical Journal, 73(5-6), 227-232 https://repo.lib.tokushima


Locsin, R. (2010) The Culture of Technology: Defining Transformation in Nursing, from "The Lady with a

       Lamp" to "Robonurse"? Holistic Nursing Practice, 16(1), 1-4



Locsin, R. (2010) Rozzano Locsin's Technological Competency as Caring and the Practice of Knowing

       Persons in Nursing. In M. Parker, & M. C. Smith, Nursing Theories & Nursing Practice (pp. 460-471)

       Philadelphia: F. A. Davis


Miyamoto, M., Miyagawa, M., Tanioka, T., Yasuhara, Y., Locsin, R., Osaka, K., Ito, H., Kongsuwan, W. (2017)

       Comparative Examination between the Perceived Inventory of Technological Competency as Caring in

       Nursing (PITCCN) and the Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing Instrument (TCCNI)

        International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practices, 4, 267



Personal Experience / Testimonial


Rochford, T. (2004) Whare Tapa Wha: A Mäori Model of a Unified Theory of Health. The Journal of Primary

       Prevention, 25, 41–57.


Theoretical Influences / TCCN and the Nursing Metaparadigm


DeJonge, K., Vancampen, N., Cambier, E., & Kelly, N. (nd). R. Locsin: ‘Technological Competency as an

       Expression of Caring’ Theory Critique. Ferris State University. Retrieved October 1, 2021, from


Locsin, R. & Purnell, M. (2007). Rapture and suffering with technology in nursing. International Journal for

       Human Caring, 11(1), 38-43.


Locsin, R. C. (n.d). Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice. Cristine E. Lynne

       College of Nursing: Florida Atlantic University. Retrieved October 1, 2021 from


Rozzano Locsin Biography. (n.d.). Florida Atlantic University Christine E Lynn College of Nursing.

       Retrieved October 1, 2021, from


Themes, U. (2017, January 8). 19. The theory of nursing as caring: A model for transforming practice.

       Nurse Key.



Conclusion and Summary


Miller, J. (2007). Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice. AORN Journal, 85(2),



Locsin, R. (2017). The Co-Existence of Technology and Caring in the Theory of Technological Competency

       as Caring in Nursing. The Journal Of Medical Investigation, 64(1.2), 160-164.



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